21:00 – 22:30 CEST

20:00 – 21:30 GMT

22:00 – 23:30 EEST

14:00 – 15:30 PST



Desire so hidden in dark of night…

A rapturous fire of inner sight

She calls from the longing in the souls hidden chamber…

Vibrami be the name of her…

The grand Kaam Dhatri of desires secret…

The ocean of fulfillment in her is met…

For this ritual, please have:

Flowers: recommended

Incense: recommended

Pot of water with few drops of milk added – not to drink

Another pot of water… to drink

Precious or semi precious stone, crystal, pearl or jewelry

A single flame burning.


Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.


In this ritual series of Yakshini Sadhana, will be chanting one or more basic root Yakshini Mantras with Changes of the name of the Yakshini we are working with.

36 Yakshinis are given. This is a significant number.

They’re are 32 nerve centres on each side of the spine.

32 and the 2 plexuses either side of the Agya Third-Eye Chakra and two Bhindu points on the crown, add to 36, 

These are the points where the Yakshinis intersect with our Sukshma Shirira (subtle body).

Each Yakshini is a jewel of mystical magical beauty that joins the opposite plexuses into one.

When the dualities between these points are conjoined with focus, the force of the residing Yakshini awakens , just as the Yakshini is a being of conjoined dualities.  

The Yakshinis live within us, and is awakened with specific practice that unites Mantra, inner and outer Mudra and ritual measures.

Yakshinis bring, magic, beauty and sparkle to even the most grey shaded areas of being… both within ourselves, and in the phenomenal world.

Most important in Yakshini Sadhana is devotion to the jewels of, magic, mysticism and beauty. 

This is what the Yakshinis are devoted to…this is what connects them to us, and us to them.

For example.

Kapalini Yakshini is connected to the top of the Kapala (area at top of head), and the jewel of the crown.

Laksmi Yakshini is another Yakshini who connected to the spinal openings of the heart Chakra, for she is the jewel of the heart.

As we go through the 36 Sadhanas of the Yoginis,

We will learn to work with their portals in the subtle body.

Notes and home practices are given in this Sadhana series of Yakshini.

For this Puja you will need:

Pot of water.

Red blanket or red clothing or red flowers.

A jewel, and shining object such as a ring or a crystal or pearl can be used.

Yakshini Laxmi is of Ashta form (8 aspects)

Into the water, 8 planetary mantras will be chanted.

Sometimes 8 planetary metals are added, or water from 8 rivers.

We will be working with Kulpana Shakti of inner forms so the water from 8 different rivers is not required, unless you want to do that and that is accessible for you.

I live in a place with many lakes and rivers around, and so for me, this will not be such an arduous task to collect water from 8 places.


YAKSHINI Sadana comprises a big part of left hand Tantra Vidya.

The Yakshins are often depicted as beautiful nymphs that guard secrets of sensuality, seduction, beauty and wealth that is rare and difficult to obtain.

Yakshinis are oft maligned as being a kind of femme fatale vampiress that cause the downfall of practitioners of the Tantric arts.

Much that we read about the Yakshini is dramatized, and seems to reflect personal and collective fears about the power of the feminine. 

To the devotee of Shakti, the YAKSHINI is a benevolent ally on the path within the mysteries of Shakti. 

Shakti is a force both mothering and destructively fearsome. The Yakshinis embody the Venusian side of Shakti. Yakshini Sadhana is undertaken by those who fearlessly approach the deep realms of Shakti. 

It could be said that the Yakshinis inhabit realms that the common spiritual and cultural fabric in which we live, move and die gives only a meager shadowy reflection of.

Though Yakshini Vidya is Gupt (hidden, secretive and confined to oral instruction) there is much literature that outlines them and their ritual undertakings in coded terms.

They are said to be givers of treasures and inhabit the halfway twilight zones where Yog meets Bhog. Bhog and Yog in unison is the descent of Adiparashakti… the place where the sacred and the profane meet. Where body and spirit conjoin in sacred symmetry.

It is said that the Yakshinis are keepers and givers of hidden precious jewels.

But where and what are these jewels of the Yakshinis.

Each Chakra is called a Padma by Tantrics and has its central jewel of beauty, magic and radiance. 

These jewels can be latent or obscured by the dust of Karma.

Yakshini Sadhana can be likened to polishing and revealing the jewels hidden in the depths of the Chakras.

The Saptpadmas (7 Chakras) each have their own sacred sound Bija Mantra within the jewel at the central point.. when these Bija Mantras are combined with the inner Mudras and Mantras of the YAKSHINI. It is a potent application for revealing the jewel hidden within the Padmas.

Yakshini Sadhana works with 36 energy points as well as the Sapt Chakras and also what are sometimes referred to the minor Chakras. 

The Padmas of the hands and feet are especially worked with in Yakshini Sadhana. 

It brings beauty, power and grace to the touch and the step… this is a good definition of the Yakshini. They are beings that walk and touch with beauty, power and grace. They have the magic touch that activates the jewel.

Yakshini Sadhia can work in healing the trauma or energetic imprints left by past relationships.

It can make one beautiful, and bring a sense of jewel-like magic into the midst of mundane living.

For the Tantric on the way of Yakshini, the city supermarket and the magical exotic temple become one.


Please try to have a flower or flowers for Yakshini ritual, and cover the feet with socks or slippers.

An important part for being successful in Yakshini Sadhana is to not let the bare foot touch the ground.

This Sadhana is often said to be dangerous and not for householders or those who are not commited to regular practices. A householder can do these practices if they are regular in Sadhana.

In the inner circles of Tantra, it can only be given by those initiated into it, and who have practiced it diligently themselves.

Certainly Yakshini Sadhana can activate parts of our inner cosmos that might be unfamiliar to us. But the Tantric practitioner embraces all, knowing that all that is felt and experienced is generated from latent forces within.

Those serious about Yakshini Sadhana will be guided though these practices with further ritual work to be done in your own time, and personal instruction if needed.


My Guru was a profound practitioner of Yakshini Sadhana herself. She gave me these practices and said it was not something to teach or even talk about, until a time when I would have a particular dream under particular circumstances.

The dream was had recently in the named circumstances, and I take it as a sign to present this Vidya which I have practiced for more than 20 years.


Ancient Tantra

These ancient Tantric healing circles come from a left hand line of Indian Tantra, rare to find even in India today. You will take part in a sacred Yogic tradition that roots itself in Indian lineage handed down orally between generations of Yogis, Babas, Sadhus and Fakirs.
You will be exposed to the old Tantric ways of profound healing and spiritual practice, including practicing in darkly-lit spaces and awakening the senses to the body’s subtle energy currents, holding simple postures for long periods of time, and engaging in powerful breath-work and inner and outer Mantra to open-up the body and take the mind into altered states of consciousness.
The practice draws on postures seldom used in modern styles of yoga, ancient sequences that honour the mother and the feminine, gently opening-up the body to its highest levels of flexibility.
Integral to this work is the exploration of sound-currents present in the body, perhaps one of Yoga’s greatest secrets and one of the most powerful vehicles through which the Karmic. patterns stored in the Chakras can be accessed and resolved.

Boonath in Bhandgiriasan


The practice usually takes place in the dark or darkly-lit spaces.