We are now in the Navaratri of Chaitra,
This is the 9 night transition of the Goddess,
It is a time of devotion and looking into the heart of our being.
What are we doing to ourselves?
Whatcare we doing to others?
What we do to ourselves is what we do to others, and what we do to others is what we do to ourselves.
This is the hidden teaching of Bhraamari Devi.
Her ritual worship is undertaken by Tantrics on the evening Chandra Darshan (Moontime) on Saptami Tithi of Chaitra Navaratri, and concluded upon transitioning into the Ashtami Tithi of balance in the Moon 🌓 into Surya Darshan (Sunrise)
She shows us the subtle relationship between dualisms. Her sting is painful, her honey is sweet.
Bhraamari Devi comes with a secret inner vision…reflected in her dualistic mirror of inner and outer, self and other, sting and sweetness.
Bhraamari Devi is commonly known as the Goddess of Bees.
She be the Queen Bee of the sacred heart.
She is a fierce Devi who is covered in an infinite number of buzzing bees.
The bees that adorn Bhrahmari Maa, give us an insight into her particular expression of Shakti.
Her Shakti is one that gives a painful sting against that which we do not see.
She is the Queen Bee who makes the invisible and hidden clear… sometimes painfully clear.
Her ritual practice opens up the magic flowering growth that the Bee brings.
Pollination of the sacred heart flower.
The honey elixir within flows.
She will sting and protect love viciously and violently yes.. but she is the most sweetest one that can only be loved when her secret is known.
If we are to get her secret teaching, then the revealing effect of her sting is to be meditated upon, and not only its pain.
If we meditate upon why the sweetest Goddess has the sharpest sting, then we will melt like the elixiral honey of her love.
This ritual is a devotional offering of Love to her
One of the Shakti Peeths that are considered sacred to her by Tantrics is Saptashrungi, this is the place of 7 peaks.
Shakti is given different names at this Shakti Peeth.
Bhraamari Devi is appeared from a Bee hive at this Shakti Peeth according to Tantric lore.
It was the Chin of Sati that fell here as Shiv carried her dead body in a state of heartbreak at losing his love.
The Chin is also of significance as that is the place where Brahmari Pranayam is executed from. The Chin is instrumental in the Hring Mantra.
The 7 peaks of Saptashrungi represent the 7 forms of Bhraamari Devi in the 7 Chakras.
In her ritual worship, rye Tantric practices the 7 types of Bhraamari Pranayam with their corresponding Mudras.
Her practices are powerful in revealing the hidden reality of the Chakras.
Her story seems rather simple on the surface level, and follows the narrative that’s very commonly seem in the tales that tell of the tug-of-war for celestial balance between the Asuras and the Devas.
On one level such stories appear as moral tales where the baddie gets dethroned by a Queen savior who restores order and makes things sweet as honey.
This way of looking at the Tantric teaching story is certainly one level, but the Tantric meditates ever deeper into the story and upon its inherent symbols…then the story to opens up its secrets.
Hidden within the symbolism of all Tantric teaching stories is a subtext that reveals itself through contemplation.
Let us look at the story of Bhraamari Devi.
There was an Asura and his army.
Arun was the Asura – who along with his Asuric army – persecuted the Devic realm.
The innocent were subjugated to his reign of cruelty.
The helplessness of the tender, and the innocence of the feminine was particularly attractive to his perverse application of force.
He couldn’t be defeated, as he had through Tantric practices acquired a power that he wielded in selfish cruel ways.
He had the power to be invincible in war, not to be killed by any two legged or four legged creatures creature.
We see here how the imbalance of Mangal (Mars) force plays out in excess.
Mars is the Graha of war and domination. If it’s force is not tempered by Venus then violence ensues.
Let us here meditate upon the relation of Mars and Venus within us… This is known as Grah Shanti to the Yogin… it is inner planetary healing.
This story of Arunasur meeting the Shakti of Bhraamari is an Upaaya of Graha Shanti of Yuddh between Mangal and Shukkhara within us. That means it is, a healing remedy of the struggle and imbalance between our inner Venus and Mars.
The Tantric is aware that by healing inner planetary distortions and imbalances in our microcosm, the reflection reverberates and comes into manifest reality.
Mangal gets Digbaal (strength of direction in the 10th Bhava of the hight of horizon.
This placement of its strength in direction gives us an insight into its motion and momentum that we can say seeks to reign down upon and crush.
Venus gaining Digbaal in the 4th Southernmost part of the zodiac, reveals how it requires allowance for it to open. For its strength of direction in in a Northward motion.
These two Grahas (planets) are the grand opposites, that in a state of balance create the Devic realm in us.
In imbalance they create the Asuric realm within.
The Devic realm is unification. It is reached through the Asuric awareness of separation. Ponder upon this statement.
Time and again we must move away from the very common denomination given to the Asura, seeing it as a demon or Monster, and thereby seeing the Deva as the opposite good and holy force.Many stories show us that even the most exhalted Devas are for from being pure and holy.
The Asura is possessed of Deep Shakti that takes it towards realisation of its inner state.
Using its forces for self destruction, the Asura gets a look into the mirror of reality and sees what it is doing.
This is the point when Shakti usually appears and fucks the Asura up. As is the case of Bhraamari’s Shakti on Arun Asura….His name means the concealed darkness of dawn, and the Queen Bee that came with the morning, tears him in pieces by her Shakti Sting.
She separates him in halves and reveals his Asuric force of separation.
When Devi in the form of Bhraamari cuts him up with her vicious stings, she is mirroring back to him how Venus hurts us when we oppose it with Mars.
Arunasur could only be killed by a 6 legged creature.
Six are the legs of the Bee, and 6 is the number of Venus.
This is a point to ponder.
Even shiva could not defeat Arunasur.
Adiparashakti assumed the form of the Queen Bee Goddess Bhraamari, and sang her Beej Mantra of Hring…deafening him and sending the selfism of his mind into a state of seeing its own miserable isolated condition.
Her Beej Mantra Hring is a potent remedy for showing us the Granthis within.
The Bhraamari Pranayam technique belongs to Bhraamari Devi.
Bhraamari Pranayam is commonly known as closing the openings in the head and making a buzzing bee sound.
There are 7 types of Bhraamari in the Gupt Vidya of Tantrics.
There is a Bhraamari Pranayam for each of the 7 Chakras.
The specific Bhaar Mudra (outer position) activates the specific Chakra.
For example Tara Mudra of the arms while holding the Dilldwhar, brings Bhraamarihe Goddess Bhraamari Devi into the heart.
She is the force that meets the dawn and shows us what is really happening in our Chakras.. remember here the meaning of Arun.
Most of the ancient texts and teachings talk of the 7 Chakras.
A modern unresearched view holds that the 7 Chakra system was founded by the Theosophists, this is incorrect.
Ancient oral traditions and texts and diagrams of Tantra and Ayurved that predate modern Theosophy have long since shown and talked of the relation between the Chakras, colours and the 7-fold hormonal system.
This is something worth researching if we are not to get into the popular views that are flimsily put fourth by some modern influential teachers of self created systems of Neo-Tantra.
One of the Shakti Peeths that are considered sacred to her by Tantrics is Saptashrungi, this is the place of 7 peaks.
Shakti is given different names at this Shakti Peeth.
Bhraamari Devi is appeared from a Bee hive at this Shakti Peeth according to Tantric lore.
It was the Chin of Sati that fell here as Shiv carried her dead body in a state of heartbreak at losing his love.
The Chin is also of significance as that is the place where Bhraamari Pranayam is executed from. The Chin is instrumental in the Hring Mantra.
The 7 peaks of Saptashrungi represent the 7 forms of Bhraamari Devi in the 7 Chakras.
In her ritual worship, the Tantric practitioner practices the 7 types of Bhraamari Pranayam along with her corresponding Mudras.
These practices are powerful in showing us what is the reality of our Chakras.
Hring Bhraamari
Bhraamari Devi is the Queen Bee Goddess of Vamachakra, the practice of the left.
That is the side of feeling… the side of heart.
In fact there is another – amongst her two – ancient Shakti Peeths of Bhraamari Devi where the Vamapada of Sati fell (Left foot/leg)
The left step into the root of feelings is indicated here.
Also ponder upon why she has two Shakti Peeths amongst the Goddesses.
The sting and the Sweet, the Bee and the Dawn……..
Bhraamari Devi is a Goddess that takes us into deep feeling,… hidden and forgotten feeling.
Her ritual practice opens up the magic flowering growth that the Bee
Pollination of the sacred heart flower.
The honey elixir within flows.
She will sting and protect viciously and violently yes, but she is the most sweetest one that can only be loved.
When we meditate upon the Bee we find her meaning.
If we meditate upon why the Sweetest Goddess has the sharpest sting, then we will melt like the elixiral honey of her love.
Her ritual worship is a devotional offering of Love to her
In her ritual, we will practice the 7 types of Bhraamari Pranayam with their corresponding Mudras.
These practices are powerful in showing us what is the hidden reality of our Chakras.